
Bowling results

Tuesday Night Mixed

Chenier’s Reef 49, Unifirst 41, Rolling Stoners 35, Larson Land 35, Trenary Tavern 34, Trippin Balls 34, WilJenFrapzky 32, Lakeshore Chiropractic 32, Massies 32, Northside Strikers 27, Wally’s Bar 25.5, The Bowling Stones 25, Yooper Nuts 25, Holy Splits 25, Next Time 25, Coca Cola 23, Cole’s Angel’s 22.5, The Big Lebowlski 22, swedishpimple.com 21, K&B Upholstery 18, Not Casper Too 18, Beauvais Snacks 15

H.T.G. — WilJenFrapzky 779

H.T.S. — The Bowling Stones 2265

H.I.S. — Albert Danz Jr. 708, Kylee Hanson 521

Three high games — Men: Albert Danz Jr. 257, Brian Scheeneman 234, Darrell Dixson 233; Women: Kylee Hansosn 202, Joan Kroll 180, Jean Bugay 179

Wednesday afternoon mixed

Macs 77, Tackman Capital 73, Bonus Pins 68, Champion Bar & Grill 63, Stenberg 62, Thrivent Financial 57, Godfrey Ins. Agency 54

H.T.G. — Tackman Capital 686

H.T.S. — Tackman Capital 1953

H.I.S. — John Winn 586, Jennifer Stenberg 458

Three high games — Men: David Kobasic 230, Bill Stevens 224, John Winn 215; Women: Eileen Schoen 167, Jennifer Stenberg 161, Jean Norden 152

Wednesday Majors

Al Danz Dojo 166, U.P. Design 146, Bowl-a-Rama 143, Ponsse 130, 4 Seasons Cub Cadet 126, 3 Generations 117, Elmer’s County Market 109.5, Cat Man Do’s 107, Ore House 100.5

H.T.G. — 4 Seasons Cub Cadet 1036

H.T.S. — 4 Seasons Cub Cadet 2966

H.I.S. — Troy Delvaux 734

Three high games — Rick Neumann 277, Troy Delvaux 257, Jason Lueneburg 246

Friday Bantam preps (1/31/25)

Bowling Baddies 51.5, Team 4 46.5, The Topplers 44, The Alley Cats 43, Team 6 40

H.T.G. — The Topplers 275

H.T.S. — The Topplers 465

H.I.S. — Blake Mark 194, Aven Randall 158

Three high games — Preps: Blake Mark 116, Lilah Saari 112, Carter Fleury 97

Bantams: Lou Wotchko 88, Aven Randall 84, Nolan Mark 82

Friday Juniors/Seniors (1/31/25)

Team 4 79.5, Browlers 67, Spilled Milk 61, Strikers 60.5, Team 8 54, Team 2 52.5, Team 3 39.5, Team 5 34

H.T.G. — Team 5 451

H.T.S. — Team 5 1240

H.I.S. — Junior boys: Jamie Santos 487; Junior girls: Brooklyn Lueneburg 316; Senior girls: Vanya Conroy 367; Senior boys: Billy Britton 414

Three high games — Junior boys: Jamie Santos 172, Colton Durst 158, Nolan Britton 155; Junior girls: Delaney Godfrey 122, Brooklyn Lueneburg 115, Taylor Fleury 108; Senior boys: Billy Britton 174; Senior girls: Vanya Conroy 157, Reanna Yagodzenski 136

Young and American

Lucky Strikes 26, Al Danz Dojo No. 2 24, E&E Furniture 24, circlemcountry.com 22, Bowl-a-Rama 21, Red Hots 19, Gutter Specialists 14

H.T.G. — circlemcountry.com 345

H.S.S. — circlemcountry.com 982

H.I.S. — Bobby Lewis 587, Rhonda Imeson 518

Three high games — Men: Bobby Lewis 222, Brent Smith 221, Dave Moran 193; Women: Rhonda Imeson 220, Taylor Binius 169, Myra LaMarche 154

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