
Bowling results

Tuesday Night Mixed

Chenier’s Reef 54, Unifirst 50, Trenary Tavern 46, Trippin Balls 43, Lakeshore Chiropractic 42, Rolling Stoners 41, Massies 41, Larson Land 40, Northside Strikers 39, Yooper Nuts 35, WilJenFrapzky 34, Next Time 34, Cole’s Angel’s 32.5, Holy Splits 32, Wally’s Bar 30.5, Not Casper Too 30, The Bowling Stones 27, Coca Cola 25, swedishpimple.com 25, The Big Lebowlski 24, K&B Upholstery 23, Beauvais Snacks 22

H.T.G. — Wally’s Bar 783

H.T.S. — The Bowling Stones 2119

H.I.S. — Scott Kwarciany 655, Lori Hertig 581

Three high games — Men: Scott Kwarciany 263, Tim Thibault 246, Ryan Adams 225; Women: Lori Hertig 211, Cathay Pomeroy 202, Danielle Frappier 202

Wheat Williams Memorial League

Putvin Drug Store 111, Miller Lite 109.5, TwoBuck2Hoe 102.5, Mo’s Pub 99.5, Champion’s Bar & Grill 89, Camping World 84.5, New Moon 83.5, Rosy’s Diner 74.5

H.T.G. — Miller Lite 860

H.T.S. — Miller Lite 2352

H.I.S. — Jon Bintner 706

Three high games — Chase Cloutier 279, Jon Bintner 266, Jake Carlson 266

Wednesday afternoon mixed

Macs 86, Tackman Capital 83, Bonus Pins 77, Champion Bar & Grill 75, Stenberg 69, Thrivent Financial 61, Godfrey Ins. Agency 59

H.T.G. — Tackman Capital 647

H.T.S. — Tackman Capital 1899

H.I.S. — John Winn 664, Carol Ciupak 518

Three high games — Men: John Winn 253, David Kobisac 244, Randy Gillispie 236; Women: Eileen Schoen 219, Jennifer Stenberg 199, Carol Ciupak 189

Wednesday Majors

Al Danz Dojo 184, Ponsse 174, Bowl-a-Rama 169, U.P. Design 166.5, 4 Seasons Cub Cadet 162, Cat Man Do’s 145, 3 Generations 144, Elmer’s County Market 142, Ore House 128.5

H.T.G. — Ponsse 1163

H.T.S. — Ponsse 3335

H.I.S. — Tim Lueneburg 729

Three high games — Steve Kwarciany 278, Tim Lueneburg 259, Mike Chapla 254

Friday Bantam preps (2/14/25)

Bowling Baddies 56.5, The Topplers 54, Team 4 51.5, The Alley Cats 43, Team 6 42

H.T.G. — The Topplers 364

H.T.S. — The Topplers 717

H.I.S. — Blake Mark 308, Nolan Mark 209

Three high games — Preps: Blake Mark 165, Scotty Schlenvogt 100, Brianna Huffman 97

Bantams: Aven Randall 111, Nolan Mark 110, Landen Britton 79

Friday Juniors/Seniors (2/07/25)

Team 4 84.5, Browlers 79, Strikers 74.5, Spilled Milk 70, Team 8 56, Team 2 52.5, Team 3 46.5, Team 5 41

H.T.G. — Spilled Milk 403

H.T.S. — Team 5 1155

H.I.S. — Junior boys: Nolan Britton 430; Junior girls: Liberty Conroy 432; Senior girls: Vanya Conroy 370; Senior boys: Billy Britton 298

Three high games — Junior boys: Nolan Britton 158, Alexander Anderson 149, Jordy Schlenvogt 144; Junior girls: Liberty Conroy 156, Brianne Taylor 154, Brooklyn Lueneburg 145; Senior boys: Billy Britton 298; Senior girls: Vanya Conroy 133, Reanna Yagodzenski 121

Young and American

Al Danz Dojo No. 2 47, Lucky Strikes 44, Bowl-a-Rama 41, E&E Furniture 39, circlemcountry.com 33, Red Hots 33, Gutter Specialists 14

H.T.G. — Al Danz Dojo No. 2 357

H.S.S. — Al Danz Dojo No. 2 1045

H.I.S. — Bobby Lewis 586, Rhonda Imeson 489

Three high games — Men: Bobby Lewis 226, Matthew Meerstein 211, Dave Moran 199; Women: Rhonda Imeson 178, Myra LaMarche 171, Sheree Smith 121

Bowl-A-Rama Friday Niters

Splits Happen 95, WTF 92, Bowl-A-Rama 82, Champion’s Reserve 78, Mongoose 78, JMCA 77, Forever in Stone Monuments 74, Miracle Ear 64, Gutter Gang 59

H.T.G. — Champion’s Reserve 769

H.S.S. — Splits happen 2189

H.I.S. — Troy Delvaux 714, Debbe Boudreau 469

Three high games — Men: Mark Boudreau 256, Randy Neumann 247, Troy Delvaux 246; Women: Debbe Boudreau 204, McKenzie Pendergraft 160, Heather Neumann 157

Monday Night No-Tap (from 2/17/2025)

BayBank/Kicking Assets 21, Elmers 17, Gutter Mouths 16, Spare Change 14, Misfits 13, Living on a Spare 11, U.P. Yours 10

H.T.G. — Gutter Mouths 764

H.S.S. — Gutter Mouths 2019

H.I.S. — Jalene Mark 718, Matt Meerstein 624

Three high games — Men: Matt Meerstein 232, Mike Macintosh 199, Jill Strasler 194; Women: Jalene Mark 282, Sandra Enfourth 212, Rachel Vanklompomb 209

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