The judicial ‘resistance’ is setting itself up for an epic smackdown
WASHINGTON — God is our best example. He did not make people to be exactly the same. He made everyone “different.” Through the Grace of God, everyone has specific gifts and talents. God believes in a diverse world as He made us all. But we all know this. If we had all men, all Adams, the world would not exist. Without diversity, we would perish as people.
Yet, it seems like the bad folks, for the sake of their own personal agenda, want to declare that God was wrong. They leave the impression by their actions that God made a mistake when He created a world made up of different people.
Like during the worst periods in world history, these bad folks genuinely believe that one group is superior and deserve white privilege, and the other group is all bad, or inferior, and do not merit good jobs. This absurd mindset or practice, if left unchecked, could bring us all down. If only white people were allowed to work in good jobs, the nation’s fiscal health would eventually crumble.
Let us take some examples. Once there was a guy, who, as an experiment, only ate at one restaurant and one kind of food. He did this for several weeks. If he did it for just a few years it would kill him. Heck, if you have steaks for every meal, you would not only have a very boring life, you would also have a short one. Our bodies need a balanced or diverse diet. Only babies can have a “one-food” diet – milk – and grow healthy.
If the world had the same weather every single day, man would not exist for long. Whether the weather was all rain or all sunshine, man would eventually vanish from the earth. Different weather and diverse climates make us survive on the planet. Without these different weather systems, we would perish.
Suppose all football players played the same position and the same was true for baseball and basketball. You would not have the beautiful, captivating, and exciting sports we have today. It would be a total flop without people contributing from “different”/diverse positions. Even a blind man could see that.
If you invest all your money in one stock because you do not want a diversified portfolio, you risk going broke. It is an “all-your-eggs-in-one-basket” approach, which is inane.
And how about this one? If you were the leader of a gang and you only allowed your security guards to see in one direction, your life would constantly be in jeopardy. Gangsters always have someone who would “have their back” or someone who would have a different (diverse) view of the room or area. To do otherwise could be fatal. And this example applies to the viewpoints of political leaders as well.
Yet today in actions reminiscent of the worst times in world history, we have folks who do not embrace anybody who is “different” or who represents a diverse group of people. For example, they want “Black jobs” only and elite colleges with fewer Black people. No diversity there. They use the sick belief that Black people do not merit anything else. They would even attempt to falsely place blame on “different” people for “their” failures.
With no quantitative data as proof, just anecdotal stories from like-minded folks to justify their hateful actions, they cynically rationalize a different conclusion for being against things and people who are different. These are terribly sad folks.
And yet it is also very ironic. These diversity haters decry diversity while at the same time they, white people in America, are truly diverse people. Yet they try to convince people of color that white people are just “white” people. No.
When I am asked how I got elected six times as a Black candidate in an overwhelmingly 90%+ white community against candidates who far outspent me in each race, I tell them four things:
1. It was through the Grace of God.
2. I worked my butt off.
3. The vast majority of people only want what they feel would be best for them, their community, and the country. The 90%+ of white people do not have a racist bone in their bodies. It is like saying of the 12 apostles there was a Judas – an evil one, a guy who did not get it (but look at the harm Judas’s actions caused).
4. I understood that white people are diverse.
Thus, I had my pollster break down the demographics of my district by ethnic groups. I did not want to know just how I was doing with Black people, Hispanics, Asians, and white people. I wanted a breakdown of the diversity of white people.
I demanded my polling results reflected my strengths and weaknesses with each group: (national size in millions of people) English 46.7, Germans 45.0, Irish 38.6, French 25.8, Italians 17.8, Polish 8.8, Scottish 8.4, (Jewish, Portuguese, Russian, Greek, Scandinavians, etc. were smaller in number). I was extremely strong with Italians and very weak with Germans – as an example. All these vastly different white people had distinct cultures.
It is noteworthy to point out that Black people would be larger than any of the ethnic groups above at 46.9 million folks.
So, the folks who decry diversity are usually folks who are descendants from Great Britain (English, Irish, Scottish) as well as Germans. Today, when you put all white people together, they represent less than 60% of the U.S. population and are declining. People of color, minorities, make up the balance.
Kendrick Lamar’s hit song of the year “Not Like Us” references “A Minor,” while the race problem references “A Minorities.” It is a theme song for some of the descendants of slaveowners and like-minded folks when it comes to their feelings about others who are “not like them.” You know, they are different/diverse.
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Gary Franks served three terms as a congressman from Connecticut’s 5th District. He was the first Black conservative elected to Congress and first Black Republican elected to the House in nearly 60 years. Host: Podcast “We Speak Frankly”