Drinking the Kool-Aid
In 1969 a group of young people followed a charismatic, Charlie Manson, committing heinous murders.
In 1978 a large group of people followed Jim Jones in a mass suicide by drinking the poisoned cheap knock of Kool-Aid called Flavor Aid. The phrase “drink the Kool-Aid” was coined from this.
The Branch Davideans in Waco followed David Koresh to their deaths.
There are people who follow charismatics to their own detriment and/or demise. This is a damaging virus, but there are cures. Having a free and independent press is one, as are having an independent judiciary, following laws, and educating our children through a broad range of ideas and books.
We have to stop “drinking the Kool-Aid” while there is still time. Once our democracy has been dismantled there will only be one flavor of Kool-Aid for us to drink and all choice will be gone.
I happen to like having many choices in my country, and I cherish the ability to determine my own “pursuit of happiness” through life. Our ability to make or own decisions about our pathway through life is at risk. If you don’t want our government making all our decisions for us, then it is time to get involved and push back against the current dismantling of our system of laws, our ability to choose for ourselves, and our system of self-determination.
John “Ed” McMahon
Bark River