
Trump policies


We became a free independent country because of the corrupt policies of the kIng of Great Britain which are listed in the “Declaration of Independence.”

These original corrupt policies mirror today’s Trump policies of power, greed, lawlessness, lying and destruction of democracy and laws. Since our current President attacks our allies and friends with tariffs and trying to disband NATO while giving aid and comfort to our enemies, his actions border on treason. His contempt for our own citizens in disbanding government agencies created to protect our rights and liberties and firing scores of veterans and others from their jobs after years of service to this country. Trump has shown us by his actions that his contempt for our laws and constitution which he took an oath to uphold, safeguard and protect, proves he is unfit to be President and a guardian of our Democracy. He needs to be fired and exiled to live in his beloved Russia with Putin. Trump wants to be King and plans on there never being another election by the people. To once again restore our democracy and liberties under common sense laws, we must either have another revolution or secede from the union and become a part of Canada.

Diana Peach

Cedar River

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