Town hall meeting
As I have been mentioned in two LTEs, I would like to respond. James Hogge (who didn’t find it necessary to indicate he is Rep Bergman’s Communications Director) and Michael Glass attempted to make false accusations about the citizen-led Townhall in Escanaba on March 6.
Mr. Bergman was asked to have a public event while in District on his recess. His office refused.
When no public event was held, we decided to have one with or without him. Knowing he was back in session, we extended that invitation to any staff member he wanted to send. I have the receipts to prove both of these points.
Regardless, this townhall is a mechanism to let our Representative know that his constituents are begging him for answers. It’s truly that simple. I find Bergman and his staff responses to be nothing but a distraction. A Representative should be able to hear and respond to all his constituents diplomatically.
We are afraid of what’s happening to our country. We simply want answers.
Teresa Ross