
Town hall meeting


I would like to thank Brian Rowell and the Daily Press for exposing an upcoming town hall meeting in the Feb 27 issue scheduled for March 6 at 7 p.m. at the United Steelworkers Local 21 union hall (the same location as the Delta Dems monthly meeting).

The meeting is organized by an unnamed group which identifies Theresa Ross as a member. Its purpose is to hold a sham meeting with Representative Jack Bergman… without Jack Bergman… Huh??? “Bergman is… invited to attend…” was mentioned but a call to the Representative’s office revealed they were not aware of any such invitation and Congress is in session on that date so he will be in Washington doing the people’s business. How inconvenient. Apparently, the only mention of an invitation was in the Press article. Really folks, is this any way to plan a town hall meeting if the subject isn’t informed of its existence???

The article mentioned that previous town halls were “tough”, as in contentious and inflammatory (I was at one of these) and used local police officers and canines apparently in anticipation of anti-Bergman protestors. Will Ms. Ross be offering the same level of protection at her meeting? Will the same group of protestors be at this meeting, or since Bergman won’t be there is there a need for protection of those with opposing views?

It was mentioned that Bergman used a third party to select questions at his meetings (Hey! There were children there!). Now, 3-minute questions will be permitted (All?) and a most generous 10 seconds for reply – OK now that’s just ignorant! Let’s not forget the questions asked at the forums for removal of county commissioners were pre-selected by the League of Women Voters and many thought done in a biased fashion. Will an “un-biased” process be used? “Rules for thee but not for me”.

I really don’t know what this nameless group hopes to accomplish, or whom they hope to impress by this. The “I know something you don’t know… and I’m not gonna tell you” approach to blind-siding is truly disrespectful (to everyone) and should remain a juvenile, playground taunt.

If these people had any strength of their conviction they wouldn’t be fearful of courteously requesting a person’s presence and honestly confronting him in a true face-to-face fashion.

Thank you Brian Rowell for bringing this to our attention. Good community service, sir.

Full disclosure; I am a member of the Delta County Republican Party and I can guarantee you that we have had nothing to do with this. Can the Democrats make the same claim?

Michael A. Glass


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