School finances
So here we go again, Gladstone schools looking for more money. Must be nice to be able to go and ask for money for your dream projects.
Being a retired homeowner living on a fixed income I can’t go to the Social Security office and tell them I would like to add on to my house or get new furniture or replace aging appliances or other equipment so why don’t you give me a increase in my Social Security for the next 20 years to pay for these things on my wish list.
The big increase for the cost of living of $33 a month doesn’t even cover the increase in Medicare and my supplemental for a month. So would someone like to explain how with these increases not to mention the rising gas and food prices and everything else how are we supposed to cover another millage increase? We have to figure out a budget to live within and the schools should have to do the same. They don’t need additions at Cameron School or the High School they would like to have them but they aren’t a necessity for the schools to operate and why don’t they have a fund in their budget for new furnishings and technologies upgrades? These are things that are commonly known that need replacing and upgrading why isn’t this figured into the budgets? So from me it’s going to be a no vote on both proposals.
Barry King