
Opposed to hunting


The Daily Press is complicate in the whole sale slaughter of our grandiose front page exploitation of dead deer posing with some pea brained hunter.

Hopefully, there will be other subscribers to your newspaper who also threw their Daily Press in the trash with the other garbage and refused to bother reading possible other intelligent newsworthy events.

Exploiting this yearly slaughter to sell more newspapers is beyond disgusting. You have lost all credibility and decency.

What about elevating your reporting by representing the interests of those who hate this slaughter and love and protect all God’s creation by respecting the right for all forms of life to exist and flourish. Why is having to kill and annihilate another life form so important to some people? Does it make them appear strong and brave and invincible when in reality they are nothing more than stupid egotistical idiots living in the dark ages of their inhumanity.

Diana Peach

Cedar River

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