
Letters to the Editor

No backbone of reason

EDITOR: In response to Ms. Peach’s “Checks and Balances” : Your letter drips with contempt but lacks the backbone of reason. You claim to champion democracy while simultaneously calling to strip Americans of their right to elect the leader of their choice. If voters want Donald Trump ...

Open letter to Congressman Bergman

EDITOR: Open letter to Congressman Bergman You disagree with James Madison, the “Father of the Constitution,” Chief Justice Roberts, and former Chief Justice Taft. They have all maintained that only Congress can establish federal agencies and assign duties to agency officers. In their ...

State of U.S.

EDITOR: Imagine that your wife and children can only watch as armed men in uniforms drag you to a waiting vehicle. They have no warrant and you will have no day in court. They will tell the news media that you belong to a criminal gang and that you are in the United States illegally. They are ...

Doing more with less

EDITOR: There is a principle in physics that says “nature abhors a vacuum” meaning something will eventually fill the empty space. A vacated niched in nature will be filled by a new biome (move the wolves and coyotes out and the rabbits and deer move in). Clean your dining room table (or ...

School finances

EDITOR: So here we go again, Gladstone schools looking for more money. Must be nice to be able to go and ask for money for your dream projects. Being a retired homeowner living on a fixed income I can’t go to the Social Security office and tell them I would like to add on to my house or ...

School lunches help

EDITOR: This letter is in response to Robin Custance’s “Giveaway Programs” letter of 03/12/2025. Thank you for the reminder to write to my elected representatives. I will certainly do so, in support of the Rx Kids program (which is not yet available in Delta County), free school ...