Gladstone residents riled by public safety tax

R. R. Branstrom | Daily Press Members of the public listen to a presentation by Gladstone City Manager Eric Buckman about Public Act 33, the needs of the city’s Public Safety Department and how tax rates in Gladstone compare to those of other Upper Peninsula communities. Citizens voiced their opinions afterwards.
GLADSTONE — A handful of disgruntled residents spoke during a public hearing at Monday’s Gladstone City Commission meeting before the city enters its second year of Public Act (PA) 33, a special assessment to fund Public Safety’s police and fire services.
The 4.5 mills that will be levied through PA 33 this year is a repeat of the amount that was charged during the 2024 to 2025 year. Its sole purpose is to support Gladstone’s Public Safety Department. Many of the needs identified are not immediate; rather, the city is working on building up funds that are to be saved and then spent in the near future. A new patrol car is on the list for the 2026 to ’27 fiscal year; turnout gear is due to be replaced in ’28 to ’29; however, a new roof for the Public Safety building is on the docket this year. The fiscal year begins April 1.
A requirement of PA 33 is that a public hearing must be held each year before the rate is set. Last year, citizens who attended and spoke at the hearing largely were of the opinion that police and fire were important, and that they would have voted in favor of PA 33 if given the opportunity, but they were upset that they hadn’t been given the choice.
Residents on Monday were singing a different tune. Multiple people suggested that Gladstone do away with its own dedicated Public Safety Department and instead consolidate with other nearby entities.
“From when they first created the police department to what we have now, it’s a whole monstrosity and organization. Maybe we should be like Stephenson and not have (our own public safety department). We got the State Police right here; we got county police running around… Maybe it should be considered… I might agree with the leftists, it’s time to defund some police,” said Mike Maskart.
Some suggested the city cut spending and budget more conservatively all-around.
“The city just got a massive increase in income from all of us,” said Jim Locander, likely referring to the property tax evaluation that rose in the last year due to inflation. “You’ve got one major option: spend less money. I don’t need two snow plows going up and down North 15th Street to clear what one plow used to do easily for 20 years.”
Other property owners expressed distress at the rising costs of living with no increase in their income. Though it’s out of the hands of the city, Gladstone Area Schools is also seeking tax revenue through bonds that will be proposed on a ballot this April.
“I don’t know where you guys think the money is coming from,” said Leona Ritter. “I’m a widow. I live on Social Security.”
Another resident and business owner, Jim Ryan, said that the commissioners seemed to be favoring the interests of the city staff rather than the citizens they were supposed to represent. He pointed to the November 2024 election, when Gladstone residents voted to end special assessments, as evidence that the people did not want more taxes.
“You’ve used this (PA 33) as a tool — all of a sudden you found out you can do it, and you just started doing it,” Ryan said.
PA 33 didn’t have to be implemented without a vote. In the city of Algonac in Lower Michigan — which had a population of 4,196 during the 2020 census — voters were asked in 2024 whether a special assessment district should be established for PA 33, and 62% approved it. Like in Gladstone, Algonac will still have to hold hearings annually. Unlike Gladstone, Algonac’s PA 33 is for a fire department only. Their police services are contracted through the St. Clair County Sheriff’s Office.
Though Buckman said sharing services is not out of the question, Gladstone City Commissioners seemed to find the concept unrealistic or unwise.
“Response time matters,” said Commissioner Robert Pontius.
Delta County’s land mass is such that if responders were on a scene in Fairport, it could take nearly an hour to get to Gladstone from there.
“We would still have to pay for those services, and we would lose all local control of those services if we contracted those out,” said Commissioner Brad Mantela. “We already do have sharing of services through the… mutual aid agreement.”
He also said that it would be very costly and difficult to reinstate police and fire departments in Gladstone down the line if services were abolished now.
Mayor Joe Thompson pointed out that because insurance rates — especially for fire — are based on the level of protection available in a given area, residents’ insurance costs would go up if Gladstone did away with its Public Safety Department.
“We do work hard to keep the cost of living here economical, reasonable, but at the same time, provide the services that make this town safe, make it beautiful and make it attractive,” Mantela said.
Ultimately, the commission adopted the same millage rate through PA 33 as last year — 4.5 mills.
Also at the Gladstone City Commission meeting of March 24:
– the commission approved the budget for fiscal year 2025 to 2026. The budget had first been presented on March 10 following budget work sessions the week prior.
– budget amendments for the 2024 to 2025 fiscal year were approved.
– Buckman announced that a sign welcoming people to Gladstone, originally made by Cook Sign Services in Marquette, had recently been damaged by a vehicle and was being replaced by the driver’s insurance company.
– on behalf of Patricia West, it was stated that vendor applications for the farmer’s market are now open and available online.
– the social district committee has been meeting to determine how to proceed with allowing a district for public alcohol consumption and will soon bring their findings to the commission, Buckman said.
The public is always welcome and encouraged to attend other meetings of the city commission, which are held at 6 p.m. the second and fourth Monday of each month at City Hall. Agendas and other information may be found on the city website: