Escanaba social district boundaries changed
ESCANABA –The Michigan Liquor Control Commission has approved the City of Escanaba’s social district, which has been amended since it was first proposed by the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) and approved by the Escanaba City Council. Though suggested boundaries originally included the marina, that area is now excluded; the district’s easternmost boundaries will now end at the block where Lake Shore Drive meets Ludington Street. To the west, it extends all the way to Lincoln Road, which is farther than initially proposed and will now allow for the inclusion of La Cantina and Mo’s Pub.
Social districts are areas where patrons can purchase alcoholic beverages from licensed establishments and enjoy them outdoors within district borders. Only drinks purchased from those establishments and served in designated cups marked with the logos of both the social district and the establishment may be consumed in the area. The 14 licensees within Esky’s new district that will have the option to participate — by adding the social district permit to their existing liquor license — are, from east to west: the House of Ludington, Elks Lodge #354, Eagles Aerie 1088, Hereford and Hops, Mugshots, Leigh’s Garden Winery, Ludington Grill, South City Pub, Cat-Man-Do’s, Applewood Eatery, Ferdinand’s Mexican Restaurant, Ernie’s Irish Pub, La Cantina and Mo’s Pub.
It is uncertain when use of the district will actually go into effect, since several more items need to be handled first.
First, businesses need to apply with the city; after approval from the city, they may apply with the state. That process can begin now.
“I need to work with Kent (Dubord, director of Public Works) on signage and where those need to go,” said DDA Director Craig Woerpel. “And then we work with the businesses once they sign up and decide to do it, educating them on what it is that they’re responsible for, providing them then with a brochure, and signage within their business. All of that’s got to take place before we can go ahead with all this.”
While there is no set or known timeline yet, the hope is that the social district can be implemented this year. Woerpel said that he was shocked to learn that Iron Mountain, where a social district was approved by the city council at the beginning of June 2024, had yet to implement theirs. However, since Escanaba’s city council approved a district in February, the Delta County city has four more months at their disposal than Iron Mountain did before the prime season ran out.
Iron Mountain’s DDA Program Coordinator, Tim McCauley, said that his city installed the necessary signage over the winter and worked with the bars and restaurants to get the beverage containers and indoor posters ready. All is set now, and they plan to begin operating the district in May. Although all the eligible businesses in Iron Mountain’s social district expressed interest in the beginning, McCauley said, only about half have followed through and gotten the permit so far, but he hopes that number will increase soon.
Since an allotment for signage is already included in the Escanaba DDA’s budget, even though specifics for the social district are not, Woerpel doesn’t think it will be too costly for the DDA to get the district running.
Other items that were discussed at the March 27 session of the Esky DDA, which regularly meets the fourth Thursday of each month at 8:15 a.m. in the council chambers at City Hall, included the following:
– Treasurer Janice Beauchamp reported a fund balance of $368,000. Reviewing the finances, board members remarked upon a decrease to the Michigan Broadband bill — a net positive for the DDA.
– After allocating an additional $50,000 towards the previously $10,200 marketing portion of the 2025 to ’26 public relations budget — to accommodate, in part, the promotion of upcoming events this year — an amended budget was adopted.
The DDA is hoping for a loan through the city, likely for $500,000, to help with the upcoming streetscape project that plans to add bump-outs to portions of Ludington Street and add a bike lane.
City council will work on Escanaba’s budget April 7 and 8.
– Woerpel noted that the DDA budget — which comes from taxes drawn from properties within the DDA district — seems small, considering the length of its existence, which points to stagnant property values. However, he said that downtown has been getting positive attention and some new businesses, which “bodes well for the future.”
– The Delta Conservation District is planning a pollinator garden of native plants for the raised garden at the Escanaba Marketplace. The DDA board discussed the possibility of using the horticulture there as education for students at the Upper Elementary.
Shrubs and perhaps trees currently in the garden would need to be removed.
– The DDA approved a schedule of events for the year. It includes such items as Spoil Mom Week in May, Make Music Escanaba and the LogJam Music Festival in June, Downtown Day in September, and long-running favorites like Marina Fest, the tree lighting and more. The DDA is seeking corporate sponsorships to help with the costs of some of the events.