Sewer work on horizon in Gladstone
By R. R. Branstrom
GLADSTONE — Residents and visitors in Gladstone may be noticing that trees are coming down on a few streets in anticipation of a sewer line replacement project, plans for which began a few years ago when lake levels were exceptionally high. The task was briefly discussed during Monday’s City Commission meeting. One question that has arisen since the project’s inception is where some of the project’s funding will come from, since special assessments are no longer an avenue available to the city.
Between 2013 and 2019, above normal precipitation caused Lake Michigan to rise six feet, including nearly two feet between January and July 2019, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). By 2020, lake levels were comparable to the record high seen in 1986, and negative impacts were seen even during minor weather events at low-lying areas that had previously not been vulnerable. In addition to eroding shorelines and frequent flooding, one effect of additional groundwater was overflow from wastewater systems, which quickly became a public health concern.
A single bout of storms on June 25, 2021 led to nearly 10 billion gallons of sewer water flowing into Michigan waterways, the Detroit News reported. High bacteria levels prompted beaches around the state to undergo closures and advisories.
Traverse City was one community that experienced sewer overflows and contaminated beaches; when sanitary sewage overflows in 2020 began to flood into the Boardman River — which feeds into Grand Traverse Bay — the city immediately began to build a temporary containment structure and form a five-year plan. Much of their sewer replacements and improvements are now complete or in progress, largely thanks to money from Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE)’s Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) — which is also helping to fund Gladstone’s project.
As part of an administrative consent order, EGLE outlined a need for a study of Gladstone’s wastewater collection system, and the city accepted a proposal for services from C2AE in February of 2021. The firm’s survey monitored flow, sent cameras through the pipes, and more. Some of the city’s pipes are made of clay and prone to leaks, and some are nearly a century old. EGLE labeled the infrastructure in Gladstone as “overburdened.” C2AE made a plan to rectify the issues.
The city was approved for a loan granted from the CWSRF to improve the wastewater collection system and lift station. The loan, about $14 million, will cover part of the project.
Since the agreement with the state was entered into, though, things have changed in Gladstone. Voters in November 2024 opted to do away with special assessments, which previously would have provided for an undertaking of this nature. The source of the remaining cost is yet to be determined, but work needs to be done in a timely manner or the city risks losing the CWSRF aid.
“The State is very specific about, once you’re accepted, when you start and finish,” said City Manager Eric Buckman. “So the project will go out on bid this summer, and it’s to start in the fourth quarter of this year.”
13 blocks in town plus North 17th Street will receive new sewer lines through the project, as they were determined to be in the worst shape. Superior and Michigan Avenues feature prominently.
Of the 100 communities on the CWSRF project priority list for fiscal year 2025, the City of Gladstone ranks fifth, though other municipalities have been deemed “significantly overburdened” and Gladstone is just “overburdened.”
Other Upper Peninsula municipalities on EGLE’s list for wastewater improvements through the CWSRF for this year include Iron Mountain, Newberry, St. Ignace, Ishpeming, and a few others.
Buckman said that he doesn’t expect the portion of work in Gladstone requiring the tearing-up of roads to be done until spring of 2026, which would put those costs into the next budget year.
In other business at the Gladstone City Commission regular meeting of Jan. 27:
– The Delta Area Transit Authority (DATA) will be seeking a millage renewal, announced Buckman after attending DATA’s monthly meeting.
– Commissioners reviewed an invoice from McCoy Construction and Forestry for a huge list of improvements to a loader owned and used by the city’s Department of Public Works. Though the original complaint was that the loader needed a new torque converter, the city asked McCoy to “while they have it, take care of it so it’ll be good for the next five years,” as Buckman put it, stating that the roughly 20-year-old machine is still decently operational. The bill for the thorough, seven-page invoice totalled $20,453.37.
– Another bill will be paid to C. C. Power for work that was done to replace bad wiring under a railroad bridge on 4th Avenue (M-35). The Michigan Department of Transportation is to reimburse the City of Gladstone for the full amount: $14,400.
– The first request for the DDA’s facade grant program has been approved: Gladstone Eye Care will receive $2,500 to replace awnings at 20 S. 10th St. The grant is the first and smallest of three that will appear before the commission, explained DDA Director Patricia West.
– Code Enforcement Official George Sailer delivered a presentation about his activity in 2024. Of 272 complaints initiated, 253 (93%) have been resolved. Sailer wrote 117 citations but does not expect all of those to be paid; he said that the “ultimate goal is to clean up the properties.” Sailer and Community Development Director / Zoning Administrator Renee Barron explained that written warnings and communication are always the first step before issuing fines.
– Mayor Joe Thompson advised citizens to keep an eye out for the announcement of dates for the city’s budget meetings, which will be begin publicly in February. Departmental budget meetings have already been held internally.