Soo Line Steam Engine decked out for the holidays

Courtesy photo Donations from the community made it possible for the Soo Line Steam Engine #730 in Gladstone to be decorated with lights for the holidays.
GLADSTONE — Thanks to donations by the community, Soo Line Steam Engine #730 in Gladstone has come alive again with Christmas lights and ribbons and bows.
Located at the end of Delta Avenue and along highway U.S. 2&41 in Gladstone, the engine has been an historical landmark since 1960 when the then Soo Line Railroad donated it to the Soo Line retirees to maintain. Sadly all but one of the retirees have passed away and are no longer up to the task of maintaining the engine. So over three years ago a 501(c) 3 authority was formed by John Pickard, who serves as president, to help raise funds and restore and refurbish the engine for day to day maintenance plus a fund was established for perpetual care long after the authority is gone.
“It’s our Christmas gift to the community for all the donations and support. More is left to do to improve the sight with some painting and work inside the cab with a new floor and hope to get the whistle to sound once more,” said Pickard. “We have teamed up this year with Nantastic Grooming at 817 and 819 Delta Ave. for the Old Fashion Christmas event Friday November 29, featuring roasting your own hot dogs over the fire and popcorn and water.
Planning is underway for the annual four-person golf fundraiser on May 29 at the Escanaba Golf Course. Donations continue to be sought for restoration and perpetual care. All donations are being accepted by the Community Foundation for Delta County, 2420 1st Ave South, Escanaba, Michigan. 49829 in care of Soo Line #730.