DNR Pocket Park closes after busy year
ESCANABA – A local park is closed for the year after experiencing a successful season.
The DNR Pocket Park closed on Oct. 26, capped off with its Halloween Party.
Park Interpreter Jalen Sims said it was the perfect way to conclude the season, as 594 visited the park throughout the day.
“We’re really excited about next year, hoping to make it even better and bigger. I thought It was a really good way to close out the season,” Sims said.
The park was bustling for the season, including a significant attendance rate during the UP State Fair, where just shy of 100,000 guests came through the gate for the fair.
“Our attendance, including the state fair which is our busiest time, we probably had like 15,000 people come to the park,” he said.
Sims and company are already preparing for the next season, hoping to add more events and bring more people to the park.
Pocket Park is known for its free activities, which include catch-and-release fishing, an archery range, and a pellet-gun range.
“Our fishing is definitely what brings in the most people. Second to that would probably be archery,” he said.
The park is now closed for the winter, but Sims said he would love to hear from the community about whether they would like to see it stay open for longer.
“If we can get enough community support or community demand, then I could bring it to my boss and say, hey, we should be open during the winter hosting like ice fishing or snowshoeing things and stuff like that,” Sims explained.
He said that next year, the park plans to polish the current programs and introduce new ones.
The new programs include solar education, hunter safety, raised beds to grow crops and a seed bank.
He was also excited to share preliminary plans for outdoor cooking workshops.
“So, like, I just harvested this squash (and) all I have is a campfire. How do I cook it and what can I make out of it type-thing,” he said.
Sims wanted to recognize the community and the support they show this season for Pocket Park and his staff.
“(We’re) super grateful to have a great community around us,” Sims said.
Those who would like to see the park open for the winter, or opened longer, can email Sims at
DNR-UP-PocketPark@michigan.gov to express interest or support.