Steam Engine Authority meets Jan. 13
GLADSTONE — The Gladstone Michigan Soo Line Steam Engine #730 Authority will hold its regular monthly meeting on January 1 at 4:30 p.m. at 819 Delta Ave. Solid Rock Church.
Goals will be set for the New Year, a membership drive will be organized. We encourage any one in the community that would want to be involved in our group are encouraged to attend.
Planning is underway for the annual four-person golf fundraiser on May 29 at the Escanaba Golf Course. Donations continue to be sought for restoration and perpetual care. All donations are being accepted by the Community Foundation for Delta County, 2420 1st Ave South, Escanaba, Michigan. 49829. Checks made out In care of Soo Line #730.
Soo Line historical artifacts are still being accepted by donation or consignment. You can call Authority President John Pickard for details. 906-241-0888. Soo Line #730 train t-shirts and sweatshirts and memorabilia continues to be available also.