LeGault – Colasanto

Mary and Antonio Colasanto
ROME, Italy — Mary LeGault and Antonio (“Anthony”) Colasanto were united in marriage in Rome, Italy on August 31, 2024.
Monsignor Alessandro Recchia presided over the 3 p.m. wedding ceremony, which was held in the “Chapel of the Choir” at St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City. The wedding Mass was followed with a reception at Villa Miani.
Bridesmaids: Catherine (LeGault) Cotton, twin sister of the bride, Matron-of-Honor; Natalie Brahm, friend of the bride; Daniella Kushner, friend of the bride; Janessa Vanderheyden, friend of the bride; Marina Sidorko, friend of the bride; Lauren Harvey, friend of the bride; Michelle Allemang, friend of the bride; Cristina Colasanto, sister of the groom.
Groomsmen: Nick Peters, Best Man, friend of the groom; Stavros Stavropoulos, friend of the groom; Derek Fohl, friend of the groom; A.J. Rivera, friend of the groom; Evan Tzimas, friend of the groom; Dustin Deno, friend of the groom
Loreto Barbone, friend of the groom; Achille Cavatassi, friend of the groom; Joey Pescosolido, cousin of the groom; Angelo DiFrancesco, cousin of the groom; Mark Kirchner, friend of the groom.
Ushers: Jake Cotton, brother-in-law of the bride; Anthony Lutrario, friend of the groom.
Scripture readings: Cathy Suster, aunt of the bride; Jake Cotton, brother-in-law of the bride; Gloria Rocca, cousin of the groom; Natalie DiFrancesco, cousin of the groom.
The parents of the bride are Tim and Nancy LeGault of Gladstone, Mich. Parents of the groom are Alessandro (Alex) and Pasqua Colasanto of Rochester, N.Y.
After a honeymoon to Nice, Saint-Tropez and Paris, France, the couple returned home to Chicago, Ill. where they live and work.