NEW YORK (AP) — U.S. nursing homes have significantly reduced the use of powerful antipsychotic drugs among their elderly residents, responding to pressure from many directions. Yet advocacy groups insist that overmedication remains a major problem, and want the pressure to ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — Two government studies that bombarded rats and mice with cellphone radiation found a weak link to some heart tumors, but scientists and federal regulators say don’t worry — it is safe to use your device. They still do.
Previous studies of cellphone users had found ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — Electronic cigarettes could be a boon to public health or a major liability, depending on whether they help Americans quit smoking or encourage more young people to try traditional cigarettes, a new report concludes.
The report wrestles with the potential benefits and ...
By Kelli Kennedy
Associated Press
Between bomb cyclones and deep freezes, it’s hard to find the motivation to leave your toasty home for a sweat session. Or maybe you’re just too cash-strapped after the holidays to fork over $25 for your usual barre classes.
We’ve rounded some ...
By Tom Murphy
AP Health Writer
Walmart is helping customers get rid of leftover opioids by giving them packets that turn the addictive painkillers into a useless gel.
The retail giant announced Wednesday that it will provide the packets free with opioid prescriptions filled at its 4,700 ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — The descriptions are haunting.
Some victims felt fine in the morning and were dead by night. Faces turned blue as patients coughed up blood. Stacked bodies outnumbered coffins.
A century after one of history’s most catastrophic disease outbreaks, scientists are ...