
Try this deodorizing hint

Dear Heloise: The best way to get the stink out of anything is to put 1 teaspoon of shampoo in a gallon of water and use it to wash out whatever is inappropriately smelly. It works for skunk-sprayed dogs, too. — C., via email


Dear Readers: We all have mislaid or lost keys at some point in our lives. Use these hints to help prevent you from losing them again:

— Put all the keys in a central spot for hanging, or put them in a bowl near the front or back door.

— Put your keys on or near anything you need to remember to take or check so that you will not go out the door without them.

— Give teens their own set of keys to family cars when they start driving. Color-code the keys or key chains for each family member. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: Almost every recipe I read starts with: “Preheat oven to the appropriate degree.” Most ovens will preheat to 400 degrees Fahrenheit in less than 10 minutes. Some recipes’ prep time is 30 minutes or more; therefore, you are wasting energy and money.

While I realize the importance of preheating for the finished product, I wait until I’m about 5 minutes from finishing the prep to start the oven. — S., in Virginia


Dear Readers: Use this hint for storing paper and artwork that your children bring home from school:

You can buy a jumbo-sized plastic storage bin for each child and label each bin with their names. As the papers come home, they can all get displayed on the refrigerator for a week, but then they’ll be stored away in their own bins, which should be kept in a place inside your home that has easy access. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: I read your column in the Daily Breeze in Southern California and never miss an issue. Thanks for all your tips over the years!

I recently learned something from my appliance repairman. When moving the washing machine, he squirted some water under the machine and was able to move it quite easily. I have a very heavy coffee machine on my kitchen counter, and when I needed to move it, I wet the counter surface with a dishcloth, then moved it quite easily across the counter. — A.C., via email


Dear Readers: To remove cat or dog hair from upholstery, use a rubber glove and swipe it over the upholstery. The hair will roll into a pile with each glove stroke.

To minimize pet hair, brush your pets regularly. Some dogs even like to be vacuumed. However, it may take time for your pet to get used to combing and brushing. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: I wish you could use your influence to get women’s clothing companies to list the length of their shirts on their website or in their catalogue. I’m tall, and it’s difficult to see how their shirts would fit on me. It would not have to be for each size, maybe just for the medium size. At least it would be a starting point. Thank you! — L., in New Orleans

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Hints from Heloise run occasionally in Lifestyles. Readers may send a hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE, or email: Heloise@Heloise.com. Letters won’t be answered personally.

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