
Save your pennies with bargains

Dear Heloise: All I hear from my friends is how expensive things have gotten. Yes, but there are bargains and people who freelance their work. You can ask who your friends use for repairs, plumbing, electrical work, house cleaning, yard work and so on. If people you know trust and like them, you might also like to use their services.

Need a new sofa, washer or dishwasher? See if you have a scratch-and-dent store near you. Most times, there are some very small imperfections on an appliance, but the item is marked down.

Clothing is another area where you can find great savings. There are always sales and discount stores. Even online shopping has become a bargain hunter’s paradise. Discount stores are popping up all over the place, and they often have sales, too.

Some furniture stores will sell you a floor sample, but make sure you get a great markdown. Or you can usually find sales online for furniture.

There are a number of sites online that can find bargains for you as well. If you see something that’s a great buy and you have to get a birthday gift for someone who has a birthday in four or five months, go ahead and buy it, then put it away until the day arrives.

Prices are high right now, but with a little effort, you can work within your budget and save a considerable amount of money. Ask yourself if you really need a brand name or if something off-brand can work for you instead. And remember, fashion is about the look, not the price! — Darcy K., Holland, Michigan


Dear Heloise: Can you tell me how to get rid of bathroom mold and mildew, especially in the shower? It seems to have a life of its own because it comes back no matter what I do.  — Karen D., Mansfield, Ohio

Karen, try this: Turn on the exhaust fan. If possible (and in warmer weather), open a window. Let the air flow throughout the room. Wipe down the water on the shower walls using a squeegee or towel. Always leave open the shower door or curtain and the bathroom door after you have finished showering to help with airflow.

About once a month, make a mixture of 2 cups of bleach to 1 gallon of water and splash it onto the most troublesome areas of your bathroom. Leave on for about 10 minutes, rinse, then wipe dry. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: Since I love candles so much, many of my friends give me them for various occasions. So many are just beautiful! But instead of burning the pretty candle, I like to light it and let it burn down just enough so that I can blow it out and place a votive candle deep inside. This way, I can keep the candle I received and enjoy the glow of the firelight without sacrificing the large candle. — Andrea R., Fresno, California


Dear Heloise: When I’m home in Michigan during the winter months, my skin will dry out quickly, and it feels uncomfortable, especially on my hands, feet and face. Besides using a humidifier, I have a lot of plants in my home and mist them often, since plants can hydrate the air. I try not to overheat my home, and instead, I’ll wear socks inside and put on a sweater.

This also helps keep the utility bill low. And, naturally, I moisturize after I shower and pat my skin dry. This helps my skin stay more supple. — G.Y., in Michigan

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Hints from Heloise run occasionally in Lifestyles. Readers may send a hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE, or email: Heloise@Heloise.com. Letters won’t be answered personally.

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