Freedom For Patriots celebrates banner year for helping vets
MENOMINEE — Freedom For Patriots, a local federally recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, founded in 2018 in Menominee, recently announced they were honored to have served 522 veterans last year.
The group’s events ranged from the four-day bow hunt to Packer football games, and the organization set records in 2024 for the number of vets served along with expanding their Veteran roster and donor base. That growth led to expanding their events to cover something for everyone including tickets to semi-pro baseball games, Veteran’s Day dinners, a guided salmon fishing trip, a barbecue competition, an annual banquet, the Carney Rodeo, an MMA event, the M&M football game and even coffee and doughnuts weekly at a local church — all at no cost to vets from Menominee and Marinette counties and visiting vets from across the country.
It costs nothing for vets or active-duty military members to register and attend the events, as all costs are covered through charitable contributions from area residents and businesses.
“It’s about camaraderie, it’s about getting our vets out-of-doors with friends and family, but mostly it’s about saying thank you for the sacrifice,” said Eric Bretl, of the FFP board of directors.
2025 is looking to become the organizations biggest year yet. The annual banquet this year is scheduled for Saturday, April 5 at the Pullman House, and tickets are expected to sell out again, as has been the case for many years. The organization is planning to expand the salmon fishing trip and the fall bow hunt to include more vets than served in previous years.
“The best part about the fall bow hunt this year is that we are expanding to ten hunting camps this year, hoping to get at least 30 veterans out for the fall deer hunt this year. These host camp owners are local landowners who open their camps for this special four-day event, usually involving family and treasured hunting blinds on 3,000 plus acres of private land,” said Michelle Helgeson, of the FFP board of directors.
New for this year’s programs, the organization is planning to provide tickets for vets to fly in a B-25 WWII plane in cooperation with the Menominee County Airport and EAA Chapter 1672 on Saturday, Aug. 2 for Freedom of Flight Day, a family-friendly event with food and flight events open to the public.
“We encourage interested folks to visit our website and learn more about the organization and join us in honoring and serving those that have served,” said FFP Board of Directors Treasurer Julie Derusha.
“This community loves our vets, everything we do is volunteer, no government funds, and it depends on donations of time, talent and treasure from hundreds of people and businesses from throughout the region,” said President Dave Anderson, of the FFB board of directors.
If you are a Veteran or know someone who would be interested in participating, visit to register or stop by the FFP office at 505 1st Street, Menominee.