

All-you-can-eat breakfast

GLADSTONE — An all-you-can-eat breakfast will be held Sunday, March 16 at the Gladstone American Legion Post, located at 802 Delta Avenue, Gladstone. The meal will be served from 9 a.m. until noon. Children five and under eat free.

Dance in Rock

ROCK — A dance will be held at the Rock Community/Senior Center, located at 3892 W. Mapleridge Road, on Sunday, April 13 from 1 to 4 p.m. Live music will be performed by Red River Band.

There is a cost at the door and a free-will donation lunch will be available.

All proceeds benefit the senior corporation. For more information, call Lucy at 906-356-6459.

St. Anthony of Padua raffle winner named

WELLS — The winner of the most recent winner of the St. Anthony of Padua calendar raffle is Brett Way of Wells. Way won the $100 weekly prize.

St. Urho’s Day breakfast

ROCK — The Rock Lions and American Legion will hold an all-you-can-eat buffet and can drive on Sunday, March 16 — known to some as “St. Urho’s Day” — from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The meal will be held at the Rock Lions Club, 14454 M-35 in Rock.

There is a cost for the breakfast, with a reduced cost for children between the ages of 6 and 9. Children 5 and under eat free.

Those attending the breakfast are asked to bring a nonperishable canned good to help support the can drive. The Rock Lions Club will be collecting canned goods at select events throughout the year, including at the group’s breakfasts.

Manistique Class of 1975 reunion

MANISTIQUE — The 50th class reunion of Manistique High School Class of 1975 will be held at the Indian Lake Golf and Country Club on July 12. The time and ticket price will soon be determined. Planning is in progress and the class is looking for members to serve on the planning committee.

Up-to-date addresses are also needed. To report any new addresses from the past ten years, contact Charlene Greene at 906-282-2459 or email ManistiqueHSclassof75@gmail.com.

There is also a private Facebook group, “Manistique High School Class of 75,” which is updated regularly.

Classmates interested in helping to plan the event should contact Greene by text, email or Facebook messenger.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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