Soo Line Steam Engine Authority to meet
GLADSTONE — The Gladstone Michigan Soo Line Steam Engine #730 Authority will hold its regular monthly meeting on March 10 at 4:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at Solid Rock Church, 819 Delta Ave. All are welcome.
Planning is underway for the annual four-person golf fundraiser on May 29 at the Escanaba Golf Course. Hole sponsors are being sought along with raffle prizes.
Donations are also continuing to be sought for restoration and perpetual care of the train site. All donations are handled by the Community Foundation for Delta County, 2420 1st Ave South, Escanaba, Michigan. 49829. Checks made out In care of Soo Line #730.
Soo Line historical artifacts are still being accepted along with community historical items by donation or consignment for the future museum/welcome center. Call Authority President John Pickard for details at 906-241-0888.
Stamp and coin club meets Monday
ESCANABA — The next meeting of the Bay de Noc Stamp and Coin Club is Monday, March 10, at 5 p.m. in room 961 of the Joseph Heirman University Center Building at Bay College in Escanaba. There is always a stamp auction at every meeting. Bring coins or stamps to the meeting.
The public is always invited to the meeting. For further information, call Richard Reiffers at 906-233-9261.