
The handy hairdryer hint

Dear Heloise: Whenever you have trouble opening a tight jar lid, set a hairdryer on high and, in a circular motion, move it over the lid. The heat will release the seal. Works every time. — J.R., Toronto, Ohio


Dear Heloise: Some toothbrushes are too large for many toothbrush holders. I keep mine in a small vase filled with glass marbles. The marbles and container are easy to clean. — Ann E., York, N.Y.

Ann, now, that is a really clever idea, and I’ll bet it looks lovely on your bathroom vanity. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: For cleaning, especially the bathroom, I cover my eyes with safety glasses. They also fit with my regular glasses. They keep my eyes safe from harsh chemical cleaners and sprays. I keep them with my cleaning supplies and wear them until I’m done cleaning. — Elizabeth S., Lebanon, Ohio


Dear Heloise: I’ve found an easy way to clean my microwave. I have a spray bottle that is filled with a 3-to-1 ratio of white vinegar and water. I spray my microwave oven thoroughly to clean. Then let the spray sit for a few moments before wiping down with a wet dish cloth. I also use the spray on my laminate floors followed by a wet sponge mopping. — Mike in Mascoutah, Ill.


Dear Heloise: Always at this time of year the subject of thank-you notes seems to arise. At our house we solved this easily. My children learned very early how important receiving the notes meant to the senders.

After the gifts were opened, they were labeled and placed on a high shelf. Pens and paper were set out, and only after the notes were written did the toys come down from the shelf. The children could then play with them with no nagging from Mom.

Today my children are in their 50s and they still write thank-you notes for gifts. — Anita P., Laguna Woods, Calif.

Anita, I like it! People sometimes think writing a thank-you note is old-fashioned, but it’s not. It’s simply good manners and a classy thing to do. It shows the sender that you care and are appreciative of the gift.


Dear Heloise: You had a recipe to clean silver jewelry years ago, and I don’t remember what it was, but would you reprint it? — Deanna V., Bend, Ore.

Deanna, this works on silver jewelry, but do not try it on anything that has a soft stone such as a pearl, opals, garnets, etc.

1. Line the sink with tinfoil.

2. Make a good-size mound in the center of your hand with salt and another of baking soda.

3. Put both mounds of salt and baking soda on the tinfoil. Mix a little with your finger.

4. Place silver jewelry on the mixture of salt and baking soda.

5. Cover with hot water — just enough to cover all the jewelry.

6. You’ll see a change right before your eyes. — Heloise

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Hints from Heloise run occasionally in Lifestyles. Readers may send a hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE, or email: Heloise@Heloise.com. Letters won’t be answered personally.

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