Charity shuffleboard tournament kicks off Courtesy photo The Eagles at the Elks for their charity shuffleboard match. Fun was had by all. There will be eight games in all, the winning club will choose the charity of their choice. NewsletterToday's breaking news and more in your inboxEmail(Required) I'm interested in (please check all that apply)(Required) Daily Newsletter Breaking News Obituaries Are you a paying subscriber to the newspaper?(Required) Yes No Features Playing it safe vs. Living the dream: can you have both? Dear Annie: My name is Jess, and I’ve always prided myself on being the “steady one.” I have a good job as a ... Briefs Elks to hold brunch ESCANABA — The Escanaba Elks club will be holding its monthly brunch on Sunday, Feb. 9 from ... Empathy vs. Primal emotion While navigating life’s pathways, we encounter clashes within ourselves. They center on our compassion and ... Charity shuffleboard tournament kicks off Avoiding unavailable callers Today’s Sound Off focuses on “unavailable” callers. Dear Heloise: These past couple of months, I have ... Briefs Catholic faith classes meet Wednesdays ESCANABA — Mike Cousineau teaches an adult Catholic education class that ...
Playing it safe vs. Living the dream: can you have both? Dear Annie: My name is Jess, and I’ve always prided myself on being the “steady one.” I have a good job as a ...
Briefs Elks to hold brunch ESCANABA — The Escanaba Elks club will be holding its monthly brunch on Sunday, Feb. 9 from ...
Empathy vs. Primal emotion While navigating life’s pathways, we encounter clashes within ourselves. They center on our compassion and ...
Avoiding unavailable callers Today’s Sound Off focuses on “unavailable” callers. Dear Heloise: These past couple of months, I have ...
Briefs Catholic faith classes meet Wednesdays ESCANABA — Mike Cousineau teaches an adult Catholic education class that ...