
Don’t forget where you parked

Dear Heloise: I just read about the woman putting decals on her car to find it. A hanky on your antenna would work better. However, when I get out of the car, I often look at the store in front of me. Am I near the exit door, entrance or in between? Today you can take a picture with your phone. This is much easier than a decal, which you’d also have to look around for. — Sharon Guy, Cleveland, Tennessee


Dear Heloise: Lately, there has been an increase in stolen license plates and registration tags in my area. I make it a habit to check my plates after I go anywhere. Hexagon/socket screws (instead of traditional flathead or Phillips screws) can help prevent theft. While you’re at it, check your tires for nails. — D.G., Chino Hills, California


Dear Heloise: Baking soda companies often advertise that baking soda cuts grease, and it does! I fill an empty herb bottle that has a shaker top with baking soda and keep it by my sink. Whenever I have a greasy pot or a plastic container to wash, I sprinkle a little of the baking soda on the item and proceed to wash it as usual. The soda makes the soap even sudsier, and there’s no more grease residue on the item! — Lee Miller, Metairie, Louisiana


Dear Heloise: Love your column! I never buy bottles with a pump top but always buy those with a flat top for lotion, shampoo, detergent, etc. Then I can turn them upside down and have gravity help me use every last drop! I don’t need to cut any open to scoop out the remainder. — Jan S., Colorado Springs, Colorado


Dear Heloise: Executives of hotel chains should be required to spend a week in their hotel rooms. There’s nothing a traveler likes more than insufficient storage for clothing, doors that hit you in the face while you are on the toilet, no places to hang towels, insufficient counter space in bathrooms, and no instructions for the TV! — Carol F., Tucson, Arizona

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Hints from Heloise run occasionally in Lifestyles. Readers may send a hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE, or email: Heloise@Heloise.com. Letters won’t be answered personally.

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