
Check out this gift packaging

Dear Heloise: We live on opposite coasts from our son’s family and our two young grandchildren. I fly out to see them each year before the Thanksgiving rush. I only check one suitcase or box (for which I am not charged), and it contains all the unwrapped presents for the winter birthdays and Christmas. It also includes decorative cloth bags/purses to put the gifts in once I have arrived. They can reuse the bags for toy storage or other gifting over the years.

No waste, less cost, no plastics, and no nonrecyclable, metal-embossed wrapping paper! — J.W., in Virginia


Dear Heloise: I typically get incredibly frustrated trying to get that first brownie out of the pan without it breaking apart. I have solved this by using a long, narrow cookie spatula. The width and length are perfect for edging it under that pesky brownie in the corner so it comes out in one delicious piece. — Barb S., via email


Dear Heloise: My late mother, who had arthritis and multiple sclerosis, kept her shower shiny and clean by buying an inexpensive nylon kitchen broom. She just used it for cleaning tubs and showers. She put the plug in the tub (or over the shower drain), then used a 1/2 cup of powdered laundry soap and a splash of bleach with a cup of warm water.

She scrubbed the shower walls and tub (or shower basin), then took out the plug and rinsed everything with a shower spray or a plastic water pitcher. It gets the tub and shower sparkling clean and disinfected without having to kneel or reach up. I also have arthritis, have used the same method with success for years, and thank my mom every time! — Cathy S., via email


Dear Heloise: When ordering something online, be sure that you save the order number you receive in the company’s confirmation email. Last year, I failed to do so, and when the item was lost in the mail, someone at the company could not search for my order as I did not have the number. I was only out $12, but it shouldn’t have happened. — Carolyn McDonough, via email


Dear Heloise: This is an alternative to Kathleen G.’s hint about preventing slipping in the shower. I bought stickers that are placed on the shower floor and designed to prevent slipping. There are brands like Tushy Toes, which I bought because it doesn’t irritate your skin when you’re standing on them. — Michelle Miley, via email


Dear Heloise: When we have an odor in our dishwasher, I usually find a buildup of gunk underneath the bottom of the door. A little vinegar paired with a sponge will clean it out. Thanks for providing such a useful forum! — T., in Texas


Dear Heloise: Most bugs do not “get in” the pantry — they hatch in your meal products. If you buy new flour, it is best to put it in your freezer for 24 hours to kill the eggs of the weevils. Then you won’t have bugs in your pantry. Thanks for being here. — G., via email

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Hints from Heloise run occasionally in Lifestyles. Readers may send a hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE, or email: Heloise@Heloise.com. Letters won’t be answered personally.

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