
American Legion offers scholarships

ESCANABA — The American Legion sponsors a number of programs and provides scholarships and awards to outstanding persons in various fields. They are seeking nominations and applications for the following opportunities and recognitions in the 2025 cycle:

— Eagle Scout of the Year: up to $10,000 scholarship. Application forms and eligibility requirements may be found at michiganlegion.org/scouting. Deadline March 1.

— Teacher of the Year Award: $500 prize for a K-12 teacher. Details and nomination forms are at michiganlegion.org/teacher. Deadline April 10.

— Square Knot Award: designed to recognize American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary or Sons of The American Legion members who are actively involved in the Scouting program. No deadline. Information and a checklist are found at michiganlegion.org/scouting.

— Skilled Trades Scholarship: for individuals aged 17 to 21 who are pursuing a career in construction/building, automotive, advanced manufacturing or energy. Deadline April 4. Further information and the application may be found at michiganlegion.org/trade-scholarship.

— Junior Shooting Sports: Youth between the ages of 14 and 18 who join a Legion-sponsored shooting club will be eligible to enter an air rifle tournament, the prizes for which are $5,000 for first place and $1,000 for runner-up. Visit michiganlegion.org/juniorshooting for more.

— Student Trooper Program Scholarships: The American Legion may sponsor 10th, 11th and 12th grade students who are considering a career in law enforcement to enter the program, which runs from July 20 to 25. Four scholarships between $500 and $1,000 each are available. Application deadline is May 1, 2025. Information is at michiganlegion.org/trooper.

— Civic Leadership Program (Boys State and Girls State): Held June 22 to 28, this mock government exercise, meant to encourage active citizenship and an understanding of democracy and American government, is available to current high school juniors who will become seniors in the fall of 2025. Scholarships of up to $10,000 are available to direct descendants of veterans. Application deadline is May 1. Details on the boys’ program is on michiganboysstate.org; info on the girls’ program, through American Legion Auxiliary, is at michalaux.org/girls-state.

— American Legion Baseball: Scholarship amounts of $500 and $2,500 are available to those on American Legion baseball teams who have graduated high school and aim to attend college. To register a team, visit legion.baseball.org; to apply for scholarships by July 15, see legion.org/scholarships/baseball.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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