Don’t put out lint for birds’ nests
Dear Heloise: I have an important reminder about the disposal of dryer lint: Do not put dryer lint outside thinking that birds can use it for nesting! Lint dissolves in rain, and nests can collapse, causing disaster for the eggs and baby birds! I always have a tissue box in my laundry area, and I use a dampened tissue to wipe the dryer screen, then dispose of the lint.
I read your column in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune in California, and I enjoy everyone’s great tips. — Stephanie V., via email
Dear Heloise: The gift-giving season is almost upon us, and I’d like to share some suggestions on gift-giving for your readers. When someone goes through the effort to shop for a gift that’s just right, they usually mean well. But I have a few things to share that might make the whole experience easier for folks:
— Don’t give anyone a pet. If you wish to get someone a pet, first ask them what they would like. They may not want a dog or cat. They might want a hamster or potbellied pig instead, but no matter what they want (and you agree to), let them select the animal themselves.
An owner needs to bond with their pet, and this is a very personal feeling. I consulted with three veterinarians, and they all said they wouldn’t allow a child to have a pet if they didn’t express interest in having one or didn’t take up the responsibility of feeding and grooming the pet. The pet would have to be given away if the person neglected to take care of it.
— Gift cards and money are nice gifts for some people, but there are others that feel it is a lazy gift with little or no thought given. Personally, I love gift cards, but not everyone does.
— Never give a toddler a gift that has small parts they can swallow. There are many parents who will tell you that a small child puts nearly everything in their mouth.
— Many elderly people would consider time spent with you to be the best gift of all. I know of a young college student who gave his grandmother seven slips of paper, and in the middle of each slip, he typed a couple of lines where he promised to do something for her like mowing her yard, taking her to lunch, raking her leaves, etc. — Maureen M., Holland, Michigan
Dear Heloise: Shampoo and conditioners can usually be stretched out if you add a bit of water to each product once you’ve used some on your hair. Make sure to shake it well. These two products are still useful and do a nice job on your hair, even after a little water is added. — Joan E., Martinsville, Indiana
Joan, this something I’ve done for years, and it’s always allowed me to get more usage from my shampoo and conditioner. It’s a thrifty practice to get into. — Heloise
Dear Heloise: I work at a recycling plant, and I want to remind people that we recycle more than just plastic. We also need your clean paper, wrapping paper, junk mail, clean cans, glass jars, drinking glasses, etc. Waste not, want not! — A Reader, via email
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Hints from Heloise run occasionally in Lifestyles. Readers may send a hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE, or email: Letters won’t be answered personally.