
Securing bedsheets the right way

Dear Heloise: I always found it frustrating to find the right place to put the corner of my fitted, solid-color, queen-sized bedsheets. I spent much time twisting the sheet around until I finally found the right corner. Then my mother-in-law gave me a great idea: Permanently place a safety pin on one corner of the sheet and look for it every time you change sheets. — Claudine, Huntington Beach, California

Claudine, sheets usually have a tag on the bottom. This might also help you identify where to place the sheet. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: I live in a city that does not allow people to feed feral cats. There would be no feral cats if people would spay and neuter their pets … including dogs! Despite the city ordinance, there is a group of people here who take care of these poor creatures. We provide food, water and sometimes shelter, and we take care of animals that are sick or injured.

Unfortunately, we can’t get to every stray that lives in our city, which is why people must spay and neuter their pets. Unlike humans, animals don’t miss the organ that’s removed, and an altered pet is usually cleaner, happier, and often very affectionate. — Wendy A., Boston

Wendy, some of those strays are abandoned pets. People move and leave their family pets behind. Sometimes they liked the pet when it was a baby, but when it grows up, they don’t want to be bothered with the responsibility.

All too often, a pregnant female is dumped in a place far from her home to have her babies out in a field. This might not have happened if she had been spayed.

There is no excuse for doing any of this to a pet. They are family members, and when you bring an animal home, they depend on you to take care of them and love them until one of you dies. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: Every time I bake, I make the biggest mess! Then the cleanup is such a royal pain. However, I love to bake, so I knew I could be a lot neater if I covered my counter with something like wax paper. Now when empty eggshells, flour, oil or anything sticky drops, the wax paper catches it. I just fold it up when I’m done and throw out the wax paper. Mission accomplished! — Shelly Ann, Conover, North Carolina


Dear Heloise: Most people won’t discuss this fact of life, but my husband and I bought two plots side by side at a beautiful cemetery. We’re in our 50s and have decided to save our three daughters the confusion and indecision that often comes with funerals. We updated our wills, then sat our girls down and had a talk with them to let them know what we want and don’t want.

This is not a fatalistic approach to life. We hope to live many more years, but we want the stress off their shoulders. — Dora and Barry H., Bellevue, Washington


Dear Heloise: My mother told us that an “old Navy boyfriend” turned her on to this sandwich. My 86-year-old sister and I still enjoy it occasionally: It’s a combo of bread, peanut butter, sweet pickle relish, bologna and lettuce! It sounds weird, but it is good! — Nancy Powlas, San Antonio

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Hints from Heloise run occasionally in Lifestyles. Readers may send a hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE, or email: Heloise@Heloise.com. Letters won’t be answered personally.

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