
In Your Cell Ministry continues to pair inmates with volunteers

Approximately two years ago, The Daily Press ran a lengthy article introducing IN YOUR CELL jail/prison ministry which was initiated in Delta County 10 years ago, in the winter of 2014 by Mike Olson, an Escanaba native. Since its inception, it has served over 350 inmates and families. It currently serves about 125 actively in five U.P. county jails, most of Michigan’s 27 male prisons, and seven federal facilities. In Your Cell operates with Olson’s direction and additional strong input from Dan Liebold. The ministry has a small stipend and the full support of Wellspring Church in Escanaba. The ministry has an office is located in Harbor Lights Church of God, also in Escanaba.

The goal of IYC is to provide a personal connection between volunteers and incarcerated men, with much of that local attention at the Delta County Jail, where it all began. Inmates are provided with a connection to the outside from volunteers offering support, encouragement, respect, a listening ear and genuine care for a population often neglected. IYC volunteers do not push religion on anyone but offer what Christ clearly offered, compassion and the right path. The IYC motto is “We got your back!”

Due to high demand on time, money and limited volunteer help, we are not publicizing our services outside of Delta County. We respond to local inquiries and welcome locals providing information about incarcerated loved ones. We get recommendations from many clergy, family members, siblings, friends. We do cold calls very selectively and do contact new people inside graciously and with offers that are extended to all. Our goal is to complement the fine job that Delta County Jail chaplains Al Ogren and Butch Kidd do there.

One of the features of our operation is our adoption program, where adult males, females, or couples and families “adopt” a Michigan prison inmate to correspond with monthly via US mail. No money or phone calls are involved. To date, 26 men have been adopted with about seven still seeking to be chosen.

All inmates apply for the opportunity and are vetted for fit and then carefully matched. Adopters do not have to be local. Some are from Iron Mountain, the Marquette area, downstate, Arkansas and West Virginia. Adopters, if they choose, can have mail from inmates sent c/o our office.

We ask interested parties to be kind to the Christian faith and to make an initial one-year commitment to one specific prisoner. We have had some relationships going successfully now over five years.

Another need is financial. Our staff is very small and annual income minimal, and costs for mailings, copies, transportation, phone calls, etc. only rise. We have had very generous gifts from four churches and a number of individuals. Any organization, church or individual wishing to make a one-time or recurring gift is so welcomed. IYC also puts out an 8-page monthly newsletter, which is able to feature a business, club, or individual who sponsors a month.

Something we have sought for a long time, is for a local adult male to give us more time locally for jail visits and other local connections, perhaps giving 4-6-8 hours weekly.

We can always use prayer.

Here are some things participants have said about the program:

“Thanks so much, Mike, for letting me adopt T.L. I am so glad that I get to offer someone in need a real helping hand.” — Adopter

“Mike, God may indeed be real. The prosecutor just offered me to finish my jail time and I am off probation with only fines to pay. I could have gotten 4 prison years. Please keep writing me and sending the newsletters. I like them all.” — Inmate, since released from a Wisconsin jail.

“Mike, I cannot believe you contacted me out of the blue just after I tried to kill myself. Q told you about me and in isolation I got your letter. You hardly knew me, only of me. It was so reassuring, kind, uplifting, personal, what I needed reminding me whose I was and who I was, ‘enough’ in God’s eyes. That restoration was available. Please get me adopted.” — An inmate who was later adopted.

For information on adopting, giving or volunteering, IYC can be reached at Mike Olson, In Your Cell, 3890 L. 15 Ln, #6, Escanaba, MI 49829; call 906-241-7731; email wyolaramie@yahoo.com; or find Michael Roy Olson on Facebook. Email and phone preferred.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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