Dance in Rock
ROCK — A dance will be held at the Rock Community/Senior Center, located at 3892 W. Mapleridge Rd., on Sunday, Jan. 14 from 1 to 4 p.m. The dance will feature the music of John Roman and the High Graders.
There is a door cost and free will donation lunch will be available.
For more information, call Lucy at 356-6459. All proceeds benefit the senior corporation.
Wells Lions Club raffle winner named
WELLS — The winner of the Wells Lions Club 52 week raffle for the week of Jan. 8 is John Bergerson of Escanaba, who won $100. This was week 23 of the raffle.
Parkinson’s group
MENOMINEE — The Red Horse Parkinson’s Support Group will meet on Thursday, Jan. 18 at the Harbors Retirement Building, 1110 10th Avenue Menominee at 10 a.m. This is the regular meeting and people interested in Parkinson’s Disease are encouraged to attend.
The presenter this month is Barb Wickman from the Aging Disability Rescource Center in Marinette. Wickman will share what services they have and how they can be obtained. She will also answer questions. The agency offers many options for older adults, people with disabilities, caregivers veterans and families.
Parkinson’s disease is a chronic movement disorder. There are many signs to identify this disease. Today there are many resources locally that make the challenges easier. Understanding what your options are and where to get them is important, along with addressing other concerns, is important to retain quality of life. Attending support group meetings will gives those resources as well as an opportunity to share of experiences. Each person is unique and learning from another Parkinsonian has great value.
The meetings are free and offer an opportunity to become well educated about the disease and your resources for success. Printed information is always available.
Coffee will be served.
For more information, call 906-863-9445.