
Why home-based learning is rising in popularity

During the peak of Covid-19, the number of homeschooled students increased by 60%. Even though schools have fully reopened now, homeschool still remains a preferred choice for a significant segment of American households.

5.4% of all US kids were homeschooled in 2020 during the peak of the Covid pandemic. Home-based learning continued to rise at 6.6% in 2022 as parents find this alternative to traditional schooling more appealing.

With homeschooling still on the rise, parents need to consider potential adverse effects.

Before and After the Covid-19 Pandemic

According to the US Census, by the end of 2021, 11.1% of students in the United States were homeschooled, and the number continues to rise. That number fell in 2022 but has yet to reach its pre-pandemic levels; parents find homeschooling more appealing.

Before the pandemic, homeschooled kids only represented around 3% of the total population of school-aged children. Parents who decide to homeschool have found traditional schooling no longer the best option for their children.

Negative Effects of Homeschooling

Many families are drawn to the educational freedom and customization that homeschooling provides, but several adverse effects should be considered. Teaching children in the home can lead to a lack of socialization opportunities, difficulty transitioning back into the public school system, and an increased burden on parents when providing instruction.

These are just some of the drawbacks. Studies found that homeschooled children excel in literacy skills but lack core STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) competencies such as mathematics. Parents can mitigate these deficiencies by focusing on STEM education and activities to propel their children to higher levels of success.

Dr. Raffaello Antonino, a psychologist with over ten years of experience in the public and private sectors, says, “Homeschooling can offer more opportunities for children to pursue their interests and passions, which can help to develop a love for STEM topics. However, it is important to recognize that not all homeschooling parents may be well-equipped to teach STEM subjects, which can limit a child’s exposure to these important topics.”

Essential Homeschooling Tools

Home-based learning allows parents to choose from various curricula, resources, and materials tailored to their child’s needs and learning styles. Parents have access to various tools and resources to help them create engaging learning experiences for their children. They can customize their child’s educational experience uniquely and engagingly.

STEM is still on the minds of educators and parents. Parents are still focusing on these as its the path to higher education.

Many homeschool parents can and do receive funding for educational subscriptions that focus on STEM. Educational toys such as magnetic tiles are even made for young children and toddlers to expand their cognitive skills.

Why Homeschooling is Still on the Rise Despite the Negative Effects

With 3.1 million students homeschooling in the US, it’s also essential to consider why parents have chosen to leave traditional schools behind.

Parents Are With Their Children All Day

This shift means parents and their children have been spending more time together than ever before – all day, every day. As more households have two working parents, the scheduling of traditional schooling has become more complex.

Many parents find homeschooling creates more time with their children through a better life/work balance. Vacations and time spent outside the home are more convenient. Popular attractions and activities have lower attendance during traditional school hours.

Parents Understand Their Children

Parents play a crucial role in the development of their children, both inside and outside the home. Homeschooling has become a popular alternative for many families seeking more control over their child’s education. It allows parents to be even more influential in their child’s life.

Reducing Early Separation Anxiety

Parents want to provide their children with an education that keeps them in the comfort and safety of a home environment. With children exposed to inappropriate societal pressures early on, homeschooling allows parents to keep their children safe from the pressures of growing up too quickly.

Homeschooling Role Models

Parents choose to take control of their children’s education. For homeschooled children, parents and other adults serve as primary role models. These adults provide a structured learning environment and instill essential values in their students.

Popular Homeschooling Methods

Many homeschooling methods are available today, but three stand out: Waldorf, Montessori, and Charlotte Mason. Each approach has its unique philosophy on how children learn best and provides a framework for planning lessons.

One that stands out for parents pushing back on the current traditional teaching method is Charlotte Mason’s philosophy. This teaching method encourages students to develop original ideas and cultivate life-long habits. The emphasis is on reading comprehension through high-quality literature. The method also allows students to explore the natural world and repeat ideas in their own words.

Home-based learning is becoming more popular for various reasons, from flexible scheduling to personalized instruction and curriculum. This trend toward home-based learning is likely to continue. Educators must recognize the unique needs of students and create an environment that facilitates learning both in and out of the classroom.

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This article was produced by Media Decision and syndicated by Wealth of Geeks.

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