
Letters to the Editor

Town hall meeting

EDITOR: As I have been mentioned in two LTEs, I would like to respond. James Hogge (who didn’t find it necessary to indicate he is Rep Bergman’s Communications Director) and Michael Glass attempted to make false accusations about the citizen-led Townhall in Escanaba on March 6. Mr. ...

Is American exceptionalism gone?

EDITOR: As a kid, I loved Scouts. I proudly wore the khaki uniform and carried the American flag at community events. I was proud that in WW II my father fought against the imperial Japanese and my uncle fought against Hitler. In high school, I had the life-changing experience of being an ...

Town hall meetings should be encouraged

EDITOR: Note from the author: As I went to submit this letter I noticed there have been similar submissions, including the most recent “Town hall meeting set - with or without Bergman.” While continued public calls for a town hall meeting may seem redundant, it is a sign of growing ...

A repeat of history

EDITOR: My father, and all four of his brothers, chased and fought Nazis all over Europe in the first half of the 1940s. My dad shared much of what he saw while in that fight. To his dying day he could not understand how humans could conduct such atrocities on other humans as he saw during ...

Article not accurate

EDITOR: Your recent article titled “Town hall meeting set — with or without Bergman” is disgraceful and far below any level of journalism accuracy. Here are a few points: 1. This so-called town hall meeting is being put together by far-left activists who have played this game since ...

Town hall meeting

EDITOR: I would like to thank Brian Rowell and the Daily Press for exposing an upcoming town hall meeting in the Feb 27 issue scheduled for March 6 at 7 p.m. at the United Steelworkers Local 21 union hall (the same location as the Delta Dems monthly meeting). The meeting is organized by an ...