

Health Matters: Superfoods for health or marketing

ESCANABA — It would be absurd to suggest that Americans aren’t interested in health and wellness. But how far will people go to attain this desirable state? A brief review of the sales of home gyms and gym memberships indicates the interest is there. Most of us are at least vaguely aware of ...

Health Matters: Adult complications to congenital clubfoot

ESCANABA — Walking is a complex act, but one to which we give little thought. Step after step, day after day, it’s a recurring act. Five to ten thousand steps are taken on an average day by most Americans. This complexity requires good working parts, meaning proper anatomy is necessary. ...

Health Matters: Foot type important to musculoskeletal health

ESCANABA — Humans come in innumerable shapes and sizes, applicable to so many parts of the human anatomy, side to side and top to bottom. And it’s down there at the bottom upon which the weight of the human body rests. Our feet are even entrusted with the task of propelling us through ...

Health Matters: Hyperuricemia and our chronic diseases – Part 2

ESCANABA — Despite spending more on healthcare than any other country in the world, we have the worst outcomes. Over 25% of Americans suffer from two or more chronic diseases, twice that of such countries as Great Britain and the Netherlands. The prevalence of heart disease is higher than in ...

Health Matters: Gout not only painful consequence of hyperuricemia

ESCANABA — Our more common serious diseases, unlike those of yesteryear, are those of longevity and lifestyle. Consequently, they get a lot of attention, whether it be in the form of research dollars or media headlines. We all know the usual suspects, heart disease, cancer, diabetes. But ...

Health Matters: Minimally invasive surgery wave of the present

ESCANABA — Modern medicine has made many advances benefitting our health and wellbeing. Our understanding of disease has progressed tremendously, more so in some fields than others. An examination of life expectancy is evidence of these advances. Prior to the development of antibiotics, ...