
Sports flashback March 2-8

March 3, 2000 — Joe Gartland scored twice, leading the Escanaba Eskymos to a 5-2 hockey triumph over the Kingsford Flivvers in a Division 1 regional opener. Mike ...

Local schedule 3/8/25

Today’s games Baseball Bay College vs. Hagerstown C.C. at Vero Beach, Fla. (DH), 10 a.m. Gymnastics Individual state finals at Grand ...

Wintry weather makes travel dicey

Yoopers have certainly been blessed with unseasonably warm temperatures for a large portion of this winter. However, Mother Nature has brought a return to normalcy ...

Thawing weather means potholes

AAA is issuing a safety alert for Michigan drivers urging them to watch out for potholes. These concrete craters can create a safety risk on the ...

Taking rights seriously

WASHINGTON — “If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, Mankind would be no more justified In ...

How would you rate the quality of Escanaba’s streets?

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